

Yen Strengthening Trend?

Observations on the foreign exchange market suggest that the yen’s strengthening trend might be due to speculative activ...

I’m Appealing the Decision, After Much Consideration

The judgment was delivered three days ago. While I can’t share the full text of the decision, I asked ChatGPT to summari...
Detention Life

The Relationship Between the Suspect and the Detectives and Detention Staff

(Conflict Between Investigation and Detention Staff) Until this day, I thought that the investigation department and det...


I turned 43 years old. In East Asia, 41 is considered an unlucky age for men, with the year before and after being known...

Breaking silence

On October 2, 2023, I had continued to remain silent, but the following day, I partially broke my silence. I want to add...

Maintaining silence

I’ve decided to comment on my diary. It seems I was particularly verbose on this day, writing about four times more than...

[jp](2)宇宙一わかる、宇宙のはなし – 日本科学情報 著

宇宙人はいるのか?なぜ人っこひとり我々人類は宇宙人と出会えないのかという、フェルミのパラドックス。宇宙は最近、インフレーション理論と多元宇宙 = マルチバース論で語られているらしい。これはシャバに出て聞いたラジオで知った。 宇宙一わかる宇宙...

[jp](1)宇宙一わかる、宇宙のはなし – 日本科学情報 著

留置生活の途中、この本が届いた。以下の画像の2枚目で着日が11/2だとわかる。 宇宙一わかる宇宙のはなし 宇宙一わかる宇宙のはなし 宇宙一わかる宇宙のはなし 宇宙一わかる宇宙のはなし 元々宇宙のことを調べるのが好きなのだったのだが、妻が僕の...

As a prisoner?

First, This Quote: In the detention center, Mr. Kadokawa, who is supposed to be presumed innocent, was told by a guard, ...

Can Kadokawa Tsuguhiko’s “Hostage Justice” Lawsuit Move the Nation?

Can the lawsuit filed by former KADOKAWA chairman Kadokawa Tsuguhiko move the country? Japan’s “hostage justice” system ...