CONVICT TRAINING プリズナートレーニング my-books

I turned 43 years old. In East Asia, 41 is considered an unlucky age for men, with the year before and after being known as “pre-unlucky” and “post-unlucky” years. It turned out to be a terrible post-unlucky year for me; I never imagined I would be arrested. Although it’s just a superstition, it feels unpleasant when it coincides with your age. In my case, I had planned to have a relaxing year in 2024, following my post-unlucky year…

For men: 25, 42, 61

For women: 19, 33, 37, 61

These are considered unlucky ages. In the traditional East Asian way of counting age, where you are considered one year old at birth, the modern equivalent would be:

For men: 24, 41, 60

For women: 18, 32, 36, 60

Anyway, 2024 should mark the end of this unlucky period, and I should be free from bad luck. Fortunately, my court case resulted in a suspended sentence.

The concept of unlucky ages is said to correspond to significant physical changes in a person’s life, and I can relate to that. Around 24, my Crohn’s disease worsened, leading to hospitalization at 26, and I noticed a decline in my physical health. After turning 40, I felt my stamina decreasing and recovery from fatigue slowing down, but I think I managed to improve by gradually building up my physical strength. Especially at 42, I consistently did small amounts of strength training in detention, which seems to have helped.

Though I’ve gained some weight since being released, I’ve started exercising again. I weighed 68 kg outside but gained nearly 10 kg back. In two months, I plan to get back into the 60 kg range. One of the things I gained during my detention was knowledge about calisthenics. I became a devotee of “Convict Conditioning” by Paul Wade, a book I was given. It convinced me that you don’t need a gym or equipment; true physical strength can be achieved through bodyweight training alone. I was determined to continue this after getting out and imagined myself walking along the beach as a muscular figure by summer! But life outside is full of temptations that can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.

WOW!! This book was published on July 28th! It’s my birthday! I just knew it!


Overcoming oneself is the key. In detention, boredom and the lack of distractions made it easier to stay disciplined in my training.

If I can keep up with this in the current situation, that will prove my commitment.

I made many workout buddies in the detention center. Even though we were held for different charges and might never cross paths outside, we shared a sober and passionate bond during our workouts. Thinking about their faces motivates me. They are probably still in detention or serving their sentences.

I want to apologize to them for slacking off on my workouts recently and growing distant.



男性: 25歳・42歳・61歳​
女性: 19歳・33歳・37歳・61歳


男性: 24歳・41歳・60歳
女性: 18歳・32歳・36歳・60歳​



シャバでリバウンドをしているがまた少しずつ筋トレを開始している。シャバで68Kgだったのだが10Kg近く戻ってしまった 笑。2ヶ月で戻ってしまったのだが、またすぐに60Kg台に戻して行こうと思う。拘留期間で得られたものと言えば、キャリステニクスについての知識だ。僕は、差し入れてもらったCONVICT CONDITIONING – PAUL WADE(邦題: プリズナートレーニング)のを読んで信者になった。ジムも器具も要らない。自重トレーニングでのみ真の体の強さを得られる。シャバに出ても絶対続けるに決まってるし夏には俺というマッチョが海岸を歩いている!と思っていたが、シャバというのは自堕落への誘惑に溢れている。







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