
Post Verdict(判決後)

The other day, after the verdict was announced, I had lunch with the programmer and other friends who were considered accomplices. This programmer was not an executive or insider at SumoPay; he was a contractor. Arresting him, detaining him for four months, and charging him as the principal offender in habitual gambling is simply unreasonable.

This bizarre method of selecting people for arrest involved targeting two programmers. Arresting those on the front lines who are simply creating the systems and treating them as central figures highlights the simplistic mindset of the police’s Public Safety Department. Instead of addressing the amorphous nature of a service like SumoPay, they collected evidence as if the programs and systems on the servers were physical objects. Their investigative culture and thought processes are laughable. What struck me as particularly absurd was their method of accessing the system to take screenshots, printing those screenshots, and treating the printed material as “evidence.” Why print everything? Despite having the backup on prepared storage, I had to review stacks of printed copies, wasting a lot of time. The printed material resulted in 1.5 meters of documents. For the police, it seems like a sense of accomplishment to present such volume to the prosecution. It’s amusing that someone on TV constantly praises the Japanese police as outstanding; I question the basis of such praise.

It’s always the engineers who face the constant threat of arrest. Japanese engineers should consider the risks of their work. Perhaps it’s better not to create anything in Japan anymore. Figures like Winny’s Mr. Kaneko or the three executives from Okawara Kakoki, including President Okawara, might not have faced arrest had they not worked in Japan.

It’s crucial to dispute the facts without resorting to arrests. Since losing a dispute is unacceptable, they detain individuals as hostages and proceed with their scenario regardless of the truth.

Authorities seem to specialize in holding top executives hostage to coerce statements from employees, fabricating evidence in the process. The same pattern applies to Pressance Corporation. While it might be inappropriate to equate my situation with someone like Mr. Yamagishi, who is entirely innocent, both the police and the prosecution use similar intimidation tactics to force people to speak according to their script.

Returning to the topic of the programmer, he should never have been arrested. He was made a scapegoat to extract scripted statements from others. At the very least, he should have only been referred for prosecution without arrest. The way they selected people to arrest, sparing those directly involved with me while targeting an external contractor, was appalling. I hope his reputation can be restored. An organization like the police (investigators) doesn’t deserve such an honorable term.

O-oka Echizen 大岡 越前



今回の奇妙な逮捕者の抽選方法は、プログラマ2人を捕まえることであった。最前線でものを作る人を逮捕して中心人物のように扱うのは警察の生活安全部が安直な人間の集まりだからであろう。SumoPayという不定形なサービスそのものを扱うのではなく、実際にサーバに残っているプログラムやシステムそのものをまるでモノとして捉えて証拠物を集める様子は本当に頭が悪いと思ってしまった。何よりも思考力や捜査の文化を窺って笑ってしまったのが、システムにアクセスしてスクリーンショットをとり、それを印刷してその印刷物を「証拠」のように扱っているところだ。なんで紙に印刷してるんだ 笑。バックアップも用意したストレージに取っているのに。だから、僕も証拠物を大量にコピーされた紙を通して確認せねばならず、本当に時間がかかった。紙に印刷すると、1.5m程の書類になるのだが、警察としては作業をやった達成感とそれを検察に「上納」するときにやった感を示せるのだろう 笑。誰かが日本の警察は優秀だとしきりにTVで言っているのだが、その物差しを疑いたい。






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