宇宙は最近、インフレーション理論と多元宇宙 = マルチバース論で語られているらしい。これはシャバに出て聞いたラジオで知った。
泡に包まれた無数の宇宙!?マルチバースとは何か?(宇宙ヤバイchキャベチ) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュースどうも!宇宙ヤバイch中の人のキャベチです。今回は「科学的に理解されているマルチバースの理論」というテーマで動画をお送りしていきます。「この宇宙以外にも、宇宙は無数に存在するかもしれない。」SF的な奇
- タイプ1: 惑星の資源を利用して活動する文明
- タイプ2: 恒星系の資源を利用して活動する文明
- タイプ3: 銀河系の資源を利用して活動する文明
(宇宙一わかる宇宙のはなし、カルダシェフ・スケールの説明 P288より)
じゃあ、ワイはタイプ1や、と思いきや、タイプ1を100分類しているらしく、0.72だそうだ 笑。
Understanding Space the Best Way Possible
Lately, space is often discussed in terms of inflation theory and the multiverse theory, which I learned about from a radio show after my release.
Researchers at MIT suggest that, based on these theories, there is an identical copy of our observable universe existing 10^(10^118) units away.
It sounds just like a plot from “Dragon Ball Super.”
Anyone who insists that aliens don’t exist must be at a loss. There’s no way they don’t exist.
Given the vastness of the universe, why must I be confined in a detention center? It makes me furious. But maybe I needed to accept the police’s unfair investigation with a heart as vast as one universe… No, that’s not acceptable.
Let me introduce the “Kardashev Scale,” which classifies civilizations based on their energy consumption:
• Type 1: A civilization that uses planetary resources
• Type 2: A civilization that uses stellar resources
• Type 3: A civilization that uses galactic resources
(Explanation from “Understanding Space the Best Way Possible,” P288)
I thought I was Type 1, but it turns out we’re classified as 0.72 on a scale of 1 to 100.
We are like 0.72 of a person. Not everyone is fully realized!
A 0.72-level detective arrests a 0.72-level person, a 0.72-level prosecutor interrogates them, and a 0.72-level judge renders the verdict. Maybe in the future, a 0.75-level Japanese person will laugh at the absurdity of our 0.72-level hostage justice system. Considering the grandeur of the universe, this seems like a trivial matter.
Should we stop being overly critical of these less-than-full-fledged individuals? No, we shouldn’t. Humanity needs to progress or risk losing the chance to fully evolve.