Yen Strengthening Trend?

July 30th, exchange rate articles(ニュース)

Observations on the foreign exchange market suggest that the yen’s strengthening trend might be due to speculative activity, a notion I mostly agree with.

【為替】「円安170円」が実現する条件とは? | 吉田恒の為替デイリー | マネクリ マネックス証券の投資情報とお金に役立つメディア

The article aims to stir public anxiety, laying the groundwork for baseless arguments.

超円安から一転、円高予測へ 物価高招いた輸入品や食品の値段は下がる? アキダイ社長はこう見る:東京新聞 TOKYO Web

So far, I haven’t seen any articles attributing the yen’s strength to an increase in national power. The so-called experts who claimed that a weakening yen indicates a decline in national power are nothing but frauds. Likewise, those who assert that the yen is weak against all currencies are also deceivers. I’m not an expert, but even I can understand this—it’s a high school textbook-level understanding. In a way, these fraudsters peddle a novel, avant-garde economic theory as if it were the result of cutting-edge statistical methods, and I can’t help but laugh at their absurd articles.

Here’s a prediction: a fraudster will inevitably emerge, claiming that “yen appreciation also indicates a decline in national power.” People will be persuaded, failing to realize that exchange rates don’t measure national strength. They might argue that “Japan’s susceptibility to fluctuations in other countries’ economic conditions signals a decline in its national power compared to the past,” or that “Japan’s dependence on the U.S. has increased.” This logic is utterly foolish, but it will certainly appear.

There was also an influential individual with a four-character hiragana name who suggested that if the yen doubled in value, officials’ salaries would remain unchanged while prices would double. Even such nonsense seems to have a fair amount of support.

While I don’t know much about the world, I wonder if there are other countries where such absurd logic can be broadcasted on public airwaves or printed in newspapers. I’m fed up with these overly aggressive arguments, crafted to attract attention in an era where sensational headlines are necessary for readership. Recently, I noticed I hadn’t watched the news for about three days—it’s been peaceful.

Whenever the Olympics are on, I’m a casual supporter. Go Japan!






記事のタイトルを過激にしなければ読まれない時代に蔓延する攻め過ぎたロジックにお腹いっぱいで飽きてしまった。最近、気づいたら3日ほどニュースを見ていなかった 笑。目下、平和。



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