Arrest of Online Casino Payment


It’s evident that this arrest follows the example set in my own case.

オンラインカジノで賭けさせたか 決済代行業者社長ら5人逮捕|NHK 首都圏のニュース
【NHK】海外のオンラインカジノで客に金を賭けさせていたとして、東京の決済代行業者の社長ら5人が常習賭博の疑いで千葉県警察本部に逮捕されました。 業…

The alleged crime in this case is habitual gambling. In my case, it was aiding and abetting gambling, so it seems they are applying the precedent set in my situation. More precisely, they established a precedent that could be applied and then used it to make the arrest.

The Chiba Prefectural Police are investigating the operation in detail, believing that around 50,000 people in Japan were made to transfer money and gamble, yielding profits of approximately 300 million yen.

When one hears “made to transfer money and gamble,” what kind of situation comes to mind? It sounds like a coercive scenario where people were forced to deposit money and gamble, but payment processors do not have such capability.

There is a significant power imbalance between the online casino operators and the payment processors, and without clarifying the relationship with the operators, it’s impossible to determine the level of involvement. I consider this arrest to be an overreach.

From the perspective of the investigative authorities, catching the “bad guys” might seem justifiable, and they disseminate results-based narratives to the public. However, this approach suggests a presumption of guilt rather than innocence, which raises serious concerns about the state of our legal system.

Incidentally, one person has reportedly confessed to the charges. It’s expected that they will be detained for at least three months, but their trial will likely conclude faster than mine did. I’m curious to see the outcome of their decision not to remain silent. I’ll be closely following the developments in this case.










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