Reunion and Police Misconduct


After many events, I was finally able to meet up with former colleagues. It had been ten months since we last met, considering the period of detention and the prohibition on meeting them until the trial was over. It was a relief to see them doing well.

I quickly asked them about the statements they made during my detention. They shared some shocking and unbelievable truths.

  • Statements they didn’t make were written in the reports.
  • Statements they did make were omitted from the reports.
  • They were told they could leave if they didn’t make cooperative statements.
  • They were pressured to sign pre-prepared statements.
  • They were guided and manipulated.
  • Statements were fabricated.
  • They were threatened with arrest.

These practices were confirmed when I cross-referenced the statements I read in the detention center with what they told me in person, adding a vivid realism to their accounts. The investigators seemed determined to force my name into their narrative.

If this is how investigations are conducted, it’s no wonder Japan could be called a haven for wrongful convictions. I am certain there are many wrongful convictions where the victims have been left with no choice but to give up.

I wish to break the brainwashing of those who still believe in the righteousness of the police. I also feel sorry for the investigative officers who have been brainwashed. Some of them are risking their lives for a false sense of justice within a corrupt system.

We must not allow investigations based on the presumption of guilt.




  • 言ってないことを供述書に書く。
  • 言ったことを供述書に書かない。
  • 協力的な供述をしない者には帰っていいと告げる。
  • 予め用意した供述書にサインする。
  • 誘導する。
  • 捏造する。
  • 逮捕をちらつかせる






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