Police Taking a Long time to Return Seized Items


The forced search occurred on January 26, 2023, and now it’s August 2024. The police have seized my belongings and have not returned them for over a year and a half. Despite promising to return the items after the first trial, they still have not done so without providing any valid reason. I call those who unjustly hold onto others’ property thieves, and I must call the police thieves as well.

This situation reminds me of a childhood game in Japan called “Keidoro” or “Dorokei,” where “Kei” stands for police [Keisatsu] and “Doro” for thief[Dorobou]. Given the current scenario, it would now be called “Dorodoro,” indicating thieves and the police who act like thieves by not returning seized items, thus creating a new game: “Dorodoro.”

It is incomprehensible that returning seized items should take this long. This is an abuse of power.

Additionally, my bank accounts are frozen, and I’m struggling with daily life. With my credit cards and bank accounts frozen, I can’t withdraw money or use electronic payments. Even taking the train requires charging my SUICA card, which I somehow manage by scraping together cash.

If I had around 2.1 billion yen, I could keep 1 million yen in my wallet at all times and live comfortably forever…Lol.

In the name of Justice. The police might be taking unlawful statements and withholding seized property under the guise of justice. The nature of their actions and the specifics of their investigations remain opaque to the public, leading to a lack of accountability regarding the righteousness and purpose of their activities. Instead, they often use media to further justify their actions, conveniently leveraging their power and authority.

When questioned about their actions, they frequently respond with circular logic, claiming their inherent righteousness. This attitude was notably evident in the Kagoshima Prefectural Police leak case.

Power has already run amok.











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