The Day Before

Oct-11 20th and 21st Detention Diary

Even though I know it’s probably going to be another arrest, I can’t help but feel a bit hopeful. What kind of day will tomorrow be? Either way, it seems like bail is still a long way off, and it’s frustrating, but I’ll have to stay in custody for a while longer. After lunch, I learned that there would be a transfer tomorrow.

I had thought (or rather, I was told) that the re-arrest would happen inside the Shinjuku police station. Now, I’m even more unsure about what will happen tomorrow. Will I be released after the transfer (unlikely), re-arrested after the transfer (really?), or charged?? Not knowing what’s going to happen is driving me crazy, so I called my lawyer, Ueno. After dinner, I talked to some experienced newcomers, and it seems likely that I’ll be charged on the 17th and re-arrested on the 18th. Suddenly, I felt very down. The thought of meeting with the prosecutor tomorrow makes me feel depressed.



てっきり再逮捕は新宿署内で行われると思った(というか聞いたはず)。明日はどうなるかますますわからなくなってしまった。押送後、釈放(まず、ない)、押送後再逮捕(え?)、起訴??まじでわからないので耐えきれず、上野 弁護士を呼んだ。夕食が終わって新人の経験者から色々話を聞くと、どうやら、17起訴、18再逮捕の可能性が高そう。急にガックリきてしまった。明日、検事に会うと思うとゆううつ。


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