Gambling Standards


Gather ‘round, gamblers of all kinds! Various forms of gambling, come one, come all! Let’s discuss the hardworking world of gambling.

Today, let’s take a lighthearted approach to summarizing an article. This special feature focuses on common standards in Japanese gambling.

Pachinko Parlors vs. Internet Casinos rooms

Both involve betting money, winning income, and losing money. However, pachinko is legal, while online casinos are not. Pachinko is deemed safe because it is thoroughly checked by retired police officers. On the other hand, online casinos are protected by powerful organizations. If you want to gamble casually in Japan, pachinko is the way to go. The success of the pachinko industry allows many retired officers to live comfortably.

Retired Police Officers in the Pachinko Industry

Horse Racing, Boat Racing, Bicycle Racing, and Sports Betting

  • Horse Racing: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  • Boat Racing: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Japan Foundation [Sasagawa family])
  • Bicycle Racing: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
  • Sports Lottery (Sports Betting): Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  • Pachinko: National Police Agency, and also the Public Security Bureau
  • The ultimate authority for all these forms of gambling is the Ministry of Finance.

Japanese government officials are highly respected. They graduate from top universities like the University of Tokyo or Kyoto University, study hard, and work diligently as officials, despite relatively low salaries. Hence, it’s considered normal for them to relax in post-retirement positions in the gambling industry, earning good money for lending their names. Given their excellence, it’s only fair they earn well.

What? The police have retirement positions too? Even without prestigious university backgrounds, they risk their lives confronting criminals. Therefore, they are happy to receive salaries in the pachinko industry or from organizations like the Security Communications Association (Security Communication Center – only one!) after retirement. Plus, they’re excellent at their jobs, with a 99.8% conviction rate post-indictment. Though indictments are the prosecutor’s job, police can still influence media impressions. Opposing them might result in arrests of associates, so be cautious. Power is indeed a formidable thing.

Sports Lottery by the Ministry of Education

In Japan, the sports lottery has a low return rate. If sports betting on team outcomes were allowed, it could become a huge industry. Supporting your favorite team through betting could add significant value. The exorbitant transfer fees for overseas soccer teams reflect the differences in the financial markets formed by sports betting. Sports betting is a global phenomenon, where people worldwide can bet on leagues like Nadeshiko or V-League. Budget differences in sports could see two additional zeros.

Top officials in the Ministry of Finance have the final say on budgets. Therefore, even if the Ministry of Economy seeks new avenues like sports betting, they must appease the Finance Ministry. And don’t forget to keep the Ministry of Justice in the loop.

Overseas Sports Betting

Overseas sports betting is banned in Japan. Recently, it was clearly defined as gambling. To make this known to the public, the police made an arrest. That person was… me!

The Prime Minister stated that online casinos (sports betting) are bad. When the highest authority in the country declares something, it’s final. Ensuring the welfare of competent individuals means preventing them from taking their business overseas.

Gambling impacts people’s lives significantly, so it must be prohibited to protect citizens.

However, public gambling and pachinko are not considered gambling but games, thus they are allowed. Even if gambling addiction arises, as long as it’s legally sanctioned, it remains permissible. Complain, and you might get arrested.

So, be wary of opposing authority!

National Association of Families with Gambling Addictions

There is an association for families with gambling addiction or those who have experienced it themselves. Some have spent 2 million yen in a day on boat racing.

Read more about it here

The public corporation “Association for the Study of Gambling Addiction Problems” submitted a request to the government on the 6th to amend the law and legislate special laws to strengthen the crackdown on casino operators, payment processing companies, and YouTubers advertising online casinos. The request points out that overseas operators are difficult to investigate and that affiliate internet advertisements and promotions on video sites are entry points, urging the enactment of special laws to regulate these entities. In Japan, using online casinos is considered gambling, and the association receives many inquiries about gambling addiction caused by illegal casinos.

Yahoo! news

Given that gambling addiction can arise from boat and horse racing, how about a comprehensive special law to regulate all forms of gambling?

But we must take care of our exceptional officials, so maybe not.







競馬、競艇 、競輪、スポーツベット

  • 競馬は農林水産省の管轄
  • 競艇は国土交通省(日本財団[笹川家])
  • 競輪は経済産業省
  • スポーツ振興くじ(スポーツベット)は文部科学省
  • パチンコ 警察庁、さらにいえば公安
  • 以上のギャンブルの実質的許可権限者 財務省


え?警察にも天下り先がある?有名大学に行かなくたって、命を賭けて犯人と対峙して仕事をしている人もいるんだ。だからパチンコ業界を大切に守って最後に一般社団法人(保安通信協会(保通協) – 1つだけ!)やパチンコ屋さんに天下って給料をもらえると警察OBはとても嬉しいんだよ。あと・・・優秀だよ〜。だって、起訴後有罪率99.8%だよ。起訴は検察の仕事だから警察は関係ないね、ごめん。でも本気を出せば白いものも黒にすることだってできるんだからね。検察に起訴してもらえなくてもメディアに立件だけはしましたって印象報道も命ずることができるんだ。逆らうと周りの人々も逮捕されるかもしれないから気をつけよう。権力ってとても怖いものだからね。









全国ギャンブル依存症 家族の会


「やめられない 止まらない 苦しい」ギャンブル依存症は誰でもなりうる“病気” 本人・家族はどうすれば助かるのか | TBS NEWS DIG

オンラインカジノの規制を訴える公益社団法人「ギャンブル依存症問題を考える会」は6日、カジノ運営者や決済代行業者、広告宣伝を行うユーチューバーの取り締まりを強化する法改正や特別法の立法を求める要望書を政府に提出した。  要望書では、海外に拠点を置く事業者には捜査の手が及びにくい現状を指摘。成果報酬型のインターネット広告「アフィリエイト」や動画サイトでの宣伝が入り口となっていることから、各事業者を取り締まる特別法の立法などを求めている。  国内ではオンラインカジノの利用は賭博罪に当たり、同会には違法カジノが原因でギャンブル依存症に罹患したという相談も多い。

違法カジノ業者対策強化を要望 支援団体が政府に、法改正求め(共同通信) - Yahoo!ニュース



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