The Collusion Between the Police and the Media


Fundamentally, the Japanese media is domesticated by those in power, and as a result, they often act at the behest of the police. This is evident in cases like the SumoPay incident, where the police summoned reporters to capture photos, gathering them on the public road outside the Shinjuku police station for a staged photoshoot.

During the initial arrest, it was like this: First, I was arrested under mysterious circumstances at the Yotsuya police station. Then, I was inexplicably transferred from Yotsuya to Shinjuku police station in a Nissan Serena. As we approached Shinjuku, the detectives in the car reported each checkpoint we passed. Just before turning the final corner, they informed their superiors, ensuring that my face would be broadcast across the nation. This is reminiscent of the Edo-period punishment known as “parading the criminal through the streets,” and it’s a blatant violation of human rights. It might be hard for people in Western countries to believe, but in Japan, power and a low-minded media join forces to perform these degrading charades and spread them nationwide through broadcasts.

After being released from the detention center, I searched the internet for myself. The reports with my photos were only in Japan; there was nothing like that in international news. This reflects a significant difference in human rights awareness between Japan and other countries.

The transfer from Yotsuya to Shinjuku wasn’t necessary at all. It was purely to expose me to the media, and this has been recognized as a violation of human rights.

Below is an excerpt from the book “Lifelong Defender: The Miura Kazuyoshi Case File 1” by Junichiro Hironaka, the lawyer who represented Carlos Ghosn:

This ‘parading’ was a complete collusion between the police and the press. The detectives who escorted Mr. Miura were reportedly excitedly discussing with media personnel what suits they should wear before the arrest. From the start, they intended to have their photos and videos prominently featured.

Later, our defense team filed a human rights complaint with the Human Rights Protection Committee of the Tokyo Bar Association. After a thorough review, the committee concluded that this ‘parading’ was indeed a violation of human rights, and they sent an official statement to the Metropolitan Police Department. We then filed a civil lawsuit against Tokyo, seeking damages for Mr. Miura under Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the State Compensation Act, arguing that the police’s escort and transfer methods were illegal and violated human rights.

We filed the lawsuit in 1991, six years after the ‘parading’ incident, and our claim was dismissed due to the statute of limitations under Civil Code Article 724.

However, in its ruling, the Tokyo District Court (Presiding Judge Kimio Miyazaki, Judge Shusuke Hayashi, and Judge Sakuko Kawai) clearly acknowledged that ‘the Metropolitan Police Department’s escort and transfer actions violated the plaintiff’s (Mr. Miura’s) human rights and were illegal.’

Since then, the police have reportedly ceased such ‘parading’ practices that publicly humiliate suspects.

The police have the media photograph suspects’ faces and, after branding them as criminals, build their case and get the prosecution to indict them. This is the standard practice of Japan’s investigative agencies. The claim that “since then, the police have ceased all ‘parading’ practices” is laughable, as this technique continues to be used unabated in the 21st century.

By the way, Kazuyoshi Miura was completely innocent. Yet, nearly half of the Japanese population might still believe he was a criminal. The media at that time engaged in such severe manipulation of public perception. I was a student back then, and I still remember the media frenzy surrounding the case.

I long ago stopped writing this blog for a Japanese audience and now aim it at the world. The reason is that the Japanese public is largely unaware of the abnormal behavior of those in power and is desensitized to human rights violations. Perhaps the power of the authorities is too overwhelming, or it’s ingrained in tradition, or maybe there’s a mindset that obedience is simply expected. In a country where the media and a desensitized public fail to address issues, like in the case of Johnny Kitagawa’s sexual abuse of boys, it seems more promising to bet on the possibility of change coming from abroad than to try and deliver an important message domestically. …Oops, I “bet” again. Better watch out, or I might get arrested for habitual gambling again—LOL.






以下、カルロスゴーンの弁護士をされた弘中惇一郎弁護士の「生涯弁護人 事件ファイル 1」の三浦和義事件の中より抜粋したものだ。








僕はこのブログを日本向けに書くのをとっくにやめていて、世界に向ける必要があると思っている理由は、この権力のやり方の異常さに国民がちゃんと気づいておらず、人権侵害にも鈍感だからである。権力が強大すぎるのか伝統的なのか、従うのが当たり前だというマインドなのかもしれない。ジャニー喜多川の少年に対する性加害問題のように、問題を問題として取り上げないメディアと麻痺した国民に向けて重要なメッセージを発信するより海外から変えてもらう可能性に賭けた方がまだマシというわけだ。・・・おっと、また「賭けて」しまった。また、常習賭博罪で捕まってしまうではないか 笑。


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