Detention Center Gourmet ①

Morning in Detention center Apeal(控訴中)
Morning 朝食

Meals at detention centers vary by region. For example, in Tokyo (under the Metropolitan Police Department), the meals are provided by Supplier A, while Kanagawa Prefectural Police uses Supplier B and Hotto Motto, and in Yamanashi, the meals come from a bento shop with Hotto Motto quality and deliciousness. But from what I’ve heard, there’s a significant disparity between them.

To put it bluntly, the meals from the caterer favored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police are genuinely terrible. Fried foods, processed items—they’re cold, have a strange texture, and the mouthfeel is just awful. The worst part is the lack of vegetables. As a result, you can’t poop every day. Basically, everyone becomes constipated. Some people were so uncomfortable that they had to take laxatives or twist their bodies to try and alleviate the discomfort, and occasionally, someone would even lose sleep at night. I was one of them.

Moreover, there’s very little variety. The same dishes come out on a regular rotation according to a set schedule. It’s probably still the same now. Below is a chart that I had a cellmate create to record the meals served daily. Essentially, the side dishes come out in rotation as shown in this chart.

First, take a look at the breakfast images.

① Omelet, spring roll, takana (pickled mustard greens), pickles, pasta

At first glance, many people might think this looks like a delicious meal. However, everything except the omelet is awful. I secretly gave away the spring roll to others. Incidentally, giving food to others is prohibited.

② Fried shumai, processed items, bean sprouts, pickles, pasta

This is probably leftover shumai that’s been fried, and it’s terrible.

Take a look at items ① through ⑩. It’s a parade of processed foods. It might be cost-effective, but it’s not filling and tastes awful. Plus, you can’t get any vegetables except for pickles.

Now, let’s talk about lunch. This is the main part of the article, so I want to write it in bigger text.

Two pieces of bread, a croquette, pasta, and juice. That’s it! (There’s jam too.)

This is real, I’m not kidding. Is this really lunch for an adult man? Seriously, get it together! And yes, it’s properly cold. For six and a half months, I ate nothing but cold meals. This must be what it truly feels like to eat “cold meal.”

If you have money, you can order your own meals, but if you don’t, this is all you get for lunch. I was dieting, so I didn’t order my own meals very often, but I did add fried chicken twice a week. Fried chicken is the only delicious food in the detention center. Got it? The only delicious food is fried chicken. Everything else is awful.

In prisons and detention centers, they serve warm meals. Even if they’re bland, they’re warm and taste good. The meals in Tokyo’s detention centers are genuinely terrible, so don’t do bad things! Otherwise, you’ll end up on a diet of cold meals!

I’d like to briefly introduce dinner as well.

21: Hamburger steak, crab stick, okra, fried squid, pasta, takuan (pickled radish)

It sounds good, but it’s actually terrible and greasy. After all, it’s fried food, right? It’s tough for a man over 40. And this kind of meal comes up frequently in the rotation. Even the younger guys said it was too heavy.

Seriously, you can’t poop. The only vegetable was the okra. Being forced to eat this food for more than six months is a violation of human rights, in my opinion. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone dies from it someday.

You might say, “You were eating free meals paid for by taxes, so don’t complain!” Well, screw that! Then don’t arrest me.

This is the story of how I endured six and a half months of imprisonment and meal punishment.

As a side note, you only get to brush your teeth twice a day—before breakfast and after dinner. If you get a cavity, extraction is the only option. I’m not kidding, did you know that? If your teeth go bad, it’s extraction only.










パン2本、コロッケ、パスタ、ジュース 以上!!(ジャムもあるよ)





21 ハンバーグ、カニカマ、オクラ、イカフライ、パスタ、タクアン






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