Regarding Re-arrest


I want to reflect on and provide additional details about the day I was re-arrested. Those who come across this writing should be well informed about what happened.

First, I was arrested at the Yotsuya Police Station and then mysteriously transferred to the Shinjuku Police Station. It was likely done to parade me around in public, moving me from Yotsuya to Shinjuku (a clear disregard for human rights by the police). This unnecessary transfer complicated the procedures, so the re-arrest was carried out under a warrant issued by Yotsuya Police Station but announced at Shinjuku Police Station.

An officer from Yotsuya Police Station came and said the following:

“You should have used your company’s account or [R]’s account, but instead, you went out of your way to use someone else’s account for payment collection services, which constitutes falsification of facts. Based on this allegation, you are being arrested under the Act on Punishment of Organized Crimes.”

At first glance, this might not be apparent, but anyone with even a basic understanding of the law would realize how absurd this logic is. The Yotsuya detective claimed that by using someone else’s account instead of my own for payment collection services, I was falsifying facts. However, this interpretation is incorrect. Legally, “falsification of facts” does not refer to using another person’s account as if it were your own.

Excerpts from the Act on Punishment of Organized Crimes on “Falsification of Facts”

I will provide a few sections from the Act on Punishment of Organized Crimes where the term “falsification of facts” is used:

(Concealment of Criminal Proceeds)

Article 10:

“Anyone who falsifies the acquisition or disposition of criminal proceeds, or conceals criminal proceeds, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or a fine of not more than 5 million yen, or both. The same applies to those who falsify the cause of the occurrence of criminal proceeds.”

(Confiscation of Criminal Proceeds, etc.)

Article 13:

“Property listed below can be confiscated.”

“3. (2) When facts have been falsified concerning the acquisition, disposition, or cause of occurrence of the said criminal proceeds, or when acts of concealment have been committed.”

In court, I stated, “If the charge of gambling is valid, then the Act on Punishment of Organized Crimes also applies.” I’m confident that this is not incorrect. However, since I did not actively admit guilt, bail was not granted, and my detention period was extended. This was inevitable.

After all, it is natural for a suspect to fail to comprehend if detectives provide incorrect explanations of the charges.

They misunderstood the meaning of “falsification.” They thought that using someone else’s account instead of my own was “falsification.” In reality, I repeatedly asked both the officers at Yotsuya Police Station and the detectives at Aichi Prefectural Police about the meaning of “falsification,” but they were determined to label me a criminal, distorting the facts to fit their narrative.

I also want to touch on something I didn’t argue in court. The warrant listed the alleged facts, but the content was either hollow or outright incorrect. If the judiciary approves such a warrant, it is not surprising that the system is mockingly referred to as a “warrant vending machine.” Unlike the police, who attempt to press charges without understanding the law, the courts should have sensed the inconsistencies in the legal grounds put forward by the police. As it stands, I was re-arrested based on a warrant rooted in the police’s misunderstanding. The fact that the judicial system fails to function properly in such instances is a serious issue, don’t you think?

When I persistently asked the detective at Aichi Prefectural Police to explain the meaning of “falsification,” he smirked and said, “You’ve become unusually talkative today, Maeda-san. What’s going on? You must have something on your mind, right?” Sorry to disappoint you, Detective F. Thanks to you, I realized that this charge was based on a ridiculous investigative narrative.

And so, I further resolved to remain silent. I began to sense what the third charge might be. Later, it became clear—they were trying to charge me with “fraud.” I will never forgive this wrongful investigation by the police (I will write more about this another time).

I wanted to argue the specific requirements for the crime of gambling, but the constraints of detention forced me to abandon many of my efforts. If I could have fully confronted the accusations without being detained, the legal arguments made in court could have left a significant legacy for future cases. Arrests and verdicts driven by preconceived outcomes reek of authority.

If the judicial process is about detaining suspects and coercing them into admitting the charges, then the system must be reformed.









3 二 当該犯罪被害財産について、その取得若しくは処分若しくは発生の原因につき事実を仮装し、又は当該犯罪被害財産を隠匿する行為が行われたとき。











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