Casual Conversation

JP detention 7-8 OCT Detention Diary

Around 9:40, I was called in. I immediately chose to remain silent. It seems they’re tracking the flow of funds from Superior and AnimeX, but there are no apparent results yet. They’re also investigating contract relationships, which suggests they might be looking into money laundering laws. However, the police still haven’t found a breakthrough. I now regret explaining the flow of funds to the police and prosecutors.

At lunch, a program featuring classic female vocal hits played. The Chinese inmate in my cell really liked the song “Hello, Again” by My Little Lover and asked me for the title. He remarked that it didn’t seem like a song from 30 years ago, which was quite memorable.

In the afternoon, more questioning. I continued to maintain my silence. It looks like I’ll be questioned in the morning and evening throughout this week. Casual conversations continue, but I wonder what will happen next…

• Push-ups: 200
• Sit-ups: 120
• Wall sits: 300

Hello, Again



昼食に女性ボーカル懐メロ特集が流れた。同房の中国人がマイラバのHello, againをかなり気に入ったようで曲名を教えてあげた。30年前の曲とは思えないと言っていたのが印象深い。


腕立: 200
腹筋: 120
カベ: 300


Copied title and URL