Detention Center Gourmet ②

Extra (Provisioning) 自弁

I’m sorry, I went a bit too far yesterday. While the content wasn’t exaggerated, my emotions got the better of me in the way I expressed it. To summarize what I said yesterday more concisely:

The food is bad for health and tastes terrible, and it’s served on a relentless rotation.

I ate the same kind of stuff so often that I can remember the taste and appearance clearly. Maybe I should draw it and hold an exhibition someday. Not that anyone would come to see it, but bad food is a serious disregard for human rights. For someone maintaining their right to remain silent, it really wears you down.

I recalled something the prosecutor said to me. When I told her how awful the detention center food was, she mentioned that she had also eaten it during some training or other and found it tasty. Of course, if the prosecutor’s coming, they’re going to make sure it tastes better, right? Lol. On days when higher-ups visit the detention center, the place gets thoroughly cleaned, and the staff stand a little straighter. Even those of us behind bars stand at attention, waiting for them to pass by.

The career people in the prosecution, the judiciary, and the upper echelons of the police force might be continuously fed a polished version of reality, leading to some persistent misconceptions. The famous line from the movie goes, “The case isn’t solved in the conference room; it’s solved out in the field.” This line keeps running through my head.

I shared my deduction with the prosecutor, explaining that the Tokyo Metropolitan Police’s meals are so bad that they can’t possibly reach a level of being tasty, no matter how hard they try. So, whatever she ate must have come from somewhere else. I asked her where she had her bento, and sure enough, it turned out to be from somewhere other than Tokyo. Here’s some advice for all the would-be criminals out there: if you commit a crime in Tokyo, you’ll be stuck with awful food and sleeping on a thin, narrow 70 cm wide “senbei futon” (a mattress as flat as a rice cracker). In other prefectures, you can enjoy better food and sleep on a single-sized, comfy futon.

I also heard from a veteran criminal that the food gets better as you move from Tokyo to Kanagawa, and finally to Saitama. Apparently, in Saitama, you can even get some decent meals from time to time. But in Tokyo and Kanagawa, the quality is low, likely because there are more people to feed. It might as well be considered animal feed.

The taste that brings back memories for me is carrot and lotus root. Carrots used to have a distinctive earthy taste that many kids couldn’t stand, but now they’re sweeter and easier to eat, with less smell. Tomatoes used to be off-puttingly green-tasting as well. Those old vegetable flavors have disappeared from our tables, but I found them again in the detention center. One bite, and it tasted like something from 35 years ago. Lotus root isn’t earthy, but it keeps showing up. I’ve never eaten so much lotus root in my life.

To end on a positive note, I’d like to mention the ingredients that I actually found tasty.

Breakfast – Omelet, pickled takana
Lunch – Curry croquette
Dinner – Pickled radish, pumpkin croquette, menchi-katsu, hamburger steak

Everything else I’ve mentioned is awful. Once you get used to the diet in detention, your standards for what tastes good drop significantly, so the items I just listed were the best among the lot. For the rest, I just ate mindlessly, washing it down with tea. Eventually, I began craving the taste of freedom again, so I treated myself to extra meals, known as “jiben.” Here’s how it works:

Daily special bento (as shown in the “jiben” photo)
Fried chicken (every time)
Drink (alternating between juice and milk daily)

As for the best “jiben” items, they were the takana fried rice, fillet cutlet bowl, and twice-cooked pork. Everything else was either below passing or barely made the cut. It cost 600 yen.

The fried chicken was good enough to be enjoyed even outside of detention, but the daily special bento was almost always bad despite the variety. Still, the regular lunch was so awful that I had to buy the jiben. I wonder if they intentionally make the lunch so bad to boost jiben sales.

Thanks to my mother and other family members who put money in my account to buy these extras.





検事に言われたことを思い出した。彼女に留置職がいかに不味いかを伝えたところ、彼女自身も研修か何かで食べたけど美味しかったそうだ。検事殿が来る場合、不味いもんもうまく作るに決まっているでしょ 笑。留置内は警察のお偉いさんが来る日は片付けを念入りにするし職員の背筋もいつもより伸びているんだから。檻の中のこっちだってシャキッと構えて通り過ぎるのを待っている。






朝食 – オムレツ、高菜
昼食 – カレーコロッケ
夕食 – たくあん、かぼちゃコロッケ、メンチカツ、ハンバーグ







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