Invisible torture

on bail(保釈中)

I want to convey that torture is being conducted in unseen places.

In the basement of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office, there is a place where people awaiting interrogation by the prosecutors are held. I want to talk about how terrible this environment is.

First, I want to describe the journey from the detention center to the district public prosecutor’s office.

At the detention center, we are lined up and handcuffed.

A rope is threaded through the hole in the middle of the handcuffs, linking us together in a chain.

We are marched, bound by the rope, to the basement of the district public prosecutor’s office.

At this point, I already consider it a significant human rights violation. Being chained together like this is humiliating, and we are treated like criminals. Let me reiterate, they are already treating us as criminals. Upon arrival at the district public prosecutor’s office, the shouts of the police officers echo through the air.

“Don’t turn sideways, keep looking down and walk straight while staring at the red line, don’t turn sideways.”

This livestock treatment is to prevent detainees from looking at each other and potentially causing trouble. They transport presumed innocent detainees in this humiliating manner and shower them with shouts.

Upon arrival, we are made to sit on hard wooden benches. Frankly, this is torture. It’s not just sitting on these hard chairs for a short time; we are made to sit from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., sometimes until midnight. The hard, varnished, slippery chairs make it difficult to maintain the same posture, and it’s extremely painful. By the way, this prison-like waiting room is called the “holding room.” Crossing your legs is not allowed, and talking is strictly prohibited. There is nothing to do. You have to sit in such a room for nearly eight hours. Those who return from the detention center are always exhausted. Additionally, there’s the terrible open toilet, forcing ten people to share the smell and sound of others’ excrement. It’s unbearable. It affects your mind. What’s worse, meals are eaten while handcuffed: two dry bread rolls, jam, a piece of cheese, 200 ml of juice, and hot water. It doesn’t seem like a lunch for an adult male. Being made to eat lunch while handcuffed essentially makes you a prisoner.

I have a metal allergy, so I asked if I could wear the handcuffs over the sleeves of my sweatshirt to avoid skin irritation, but my request was denied. They said there’s no such rule. There’s no specific rule that says “you can wear handcuffs over your sleeves.” It makes me wonder if, without a rule saying “you can breathe,” we would have to stop breathing. They value useless order more than human rights.

I tried to find photos of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office, but couldn’t. Probably, photography is strictly prohibited to prevent public backlash if those images were exposed.

By the way, the staff working in the basement of the district public prosecutor’s office are police officers. Prosecutors are upstairs waiting for detainees brought in by the police officers. This shows the close relationship between the prosecutors and the police.




  1. 留置場で列になって手錠をはめられる。
  2. 手錠の真ん中にある穴にロープを通され数珠つなぎにされる。
  3. 紐で運ばれ地検の地下に行進で連れて行かれる。









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