Judges Conspire with Prosecutors – Carlos Ghosn


Continuing from yesterday, this is the main point of the video. Ghosn claims that judges are merely accessories to prosecutors and asserts that they conspire together.

I think the ordinary Japanese public should demand to change the law which regulates the prosecutor and establish a system much more balanced between the prosecutor and the defense, and the defense lawyer. Not allow the system to work where if the prosecutor doesn’t have a win, it’s bad for his career, because the prosecutor is here to seek the truth, not to make a win, but to seek the truth for justice. That’s what’s asked of the prosecutor, to try to find if there is any reason to bring this in front of the judge.

So, my opinion is, you need to change the law. This can be changed by law. The Diet is under the responsibility of the people; people vote, and this, in my opinion, should be the object of a new law to regulate the prosecutor and change the hostage justice system. You have many lawyers fighting against the system for many, many years. They know what needs to be done. Just do it, just vote for it, and change the whole picture.

And it’s not only about foreigners and executives and companies. It’s for the good standing of every single citizen because you never know when you, as a citizen, will be involved in the hostage justice system, but then it is too late. Within the present law, you’re going to be a victim 100%.

From my experience, I don’t think judges conspire with prosecutors, but it seemed to me that they were too ready to accept what the prosecutors said without scrutiny.

I believe that the one-sided view held by the courts, which assumes that only suspects or defendants are capable of destroying evidence, is absolutely wrong. Prosecutors and police are also forms of power, and there are internal struggles. These struggles can sometimes become so intense that they even threaten a person’s life, and no one doubts this fact. The courts must conduct trials fairly, assuming that the possibility of evidence destruction and the motivation for it also exist on the side of the investigators.

Frankly, I’m not interested in Nissan cars, nor do I have any particular attachment to the company. However, I’ve always followed Nissan’s history with interest because it has paralleled my own life. The history of Nissan, a company that was driven to bankruptcy due to Japan’s conservative corporate management, has always fascinated me.

When I was in elementary school, there was the bubble economy. By the time I was in middle school, the bubble had burst, and a sense of decline was in the air. The image of “Japan as Number One” and “a leading industrial nation” had crumbled, and I first learned about the coming of the financial era through the late Taichi Sakaiya’s “Big Bang” financial theory. It was around this time, when I was in high school, that I heard the news of Nissan’s significant decline.

Amidst the various reports about potential mergers and even the company’s possible demise, a comet named Carlos Ghosn appeared in Japan. In just a few years, Nissan, to use Ghosn’s words, “revived.” He quickly became known as a strong cost-cutter, earning a reputation as a disliked figure, but to call him anything other than a savior would be completely misguided. He not only revived a company that was on the brink of collapse but also propelled it to the top ranks. Nissan’s lack of gratitude is evident in its betrayal of Ghosn, using the prosecutors to purge him after they had saved the company, only to then demand its return to Renault (or, in a sense, the French government).

As Ghosn said in his interview, he loved Japan and Nissan. He lived in Japan and dedicated himself to the country. While there may be claims that he “exploited Japan,” it’s hard to see how anyone could still think that after looking at his accomplishments. His right-hand man, Greg Kelly, who was in charge of the CEO’s office, was indicted, found guilty, and stated that he never wants to return to Japan. Yet, despite the treatment Ghosn received from Nissan and the Japanese judiciary, he still expresses concern for Japan.

Japanese people who continue to view Ghosn as guilty should realize that they have not yet escaped the media’s brainwashing. It is essential to separate the accusations against Ghosn, his escape, and the judicial system (hostage justice) and consider them thoroughly.

Lastly, there’s another interesting perspective in this interview. The interviewer, Shigenori Kanehira, asks questions from the viewpoint of the relationship between power and government. His journalistic work often focuses on monitoring power and exposing wrongdoing. During the Lockheed scandal, it was directed against the government, but now he is taking aim at the prosecutors who once targeted the government. This incident is reported from both the perspective of a coup orchestrated by Nissan executives involving the prosecutors, and an event where the prosecutors, having become a powerful force, dragged Nissan into the mess.

I am fully aware that both Kanehira and TBS have been criticized as leftist or unpatriotic, but it should be acknowledged that it is healthy journalism when a segment of Japan’s major media, which often cozies up to power, stands against it. The public should recognize this as well.

裁判官らは検察官らと共謀している – カルロスゴーン


I think the ordinary Japanese public should demand to change the law which regulates the prosecutor and establish a system much more balanced between the prosecutor and the defense, and the defense lawyer. Not allow the system to work where if the prosecutor doesn’t have a win, it’s bad for his career, because the prosecutor is here to seek the truth, not to make a win, but to seek the truth for justice. That’s what’s asked of the prosecutor, to try to find if there is any reason to bring this in front of the judge.


So, my opinion is, you need to change the law. This can be changed by law. The Diet is under the responsibility of the people; people vote, and this, in my opinion, should be the object of a new law to regulate the prosecutor and change the hostage justice system. You have many lawyers fighting against the system for many, many years. They know what needs to be done. Just do it, just vote for it, and change the whole picture.



And it’s not only about foreigners and executives and companies. It’s for the good standing of every single citizen because you never know when you, as a citizen, will be involved in the hostage justice system, but then it is too late. Within the present law, you’re going to be a victim 100%.






インタビューの通り、ゴーン氏は日本と日産を愛し、日本に居住し日本のために尽くした人だったと思う。「日本を食い物にした」という主張もあるだろうが、ここまでの実績を見てもまだそう思うのだろうか。ゴーン氏の懐刀でCEOオフィス責任者だったGreg Kelly氏は起訴され有罪にされ、二度と日本に来たくないと言っていたが、ゴーン氏は日産と日本の司法からここまでの仕打ちを受けてもまだ日本のことを憂えてくれている。





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