The basement of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office VICE

moles on bail(保釈中)

The basement of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office is detached from reality. It may have improved compared to the past, but it is still filled with absurdities.

In terms of human rights, time, and regulation enforcement, there is a lack of rationality in its operations. I previously mentioned the trivial meals, concerns about physical and mental hygiene, and the torturous long hours of waiting. But the enforcement of rules is also shrouded in mystery. It’s just punitive physical restraint by police officers. Though they speak politely, what they say is nonsensical.

“Please do not talk to the person next to you or across from you. We have also been asked by the prosecutors to ensure this, so do not engage in conversations, make eye contact, or use gestures.”

“If one person causes trouble, everyone’s departure time will be delayed.

“Those who do not listen will be taken to the Hogoshitsu – holding room -.”

These are statements one might use to tame very young children or somewhat intelligent animals.

By the way, those taken to the Hogoshitsu are “wrapped up” by about ten officers before being put into a separate Hogoshitsu. I witnessed this twice, and it was quite intense. In both instances, it was due to detainees challenging the officers with statements like, “You only act tough because of the situation here, but outside you wouldn’t be able to do anything. Let’s settle this one-on-one.”

When I, with a metal allergy, asked to have the handcuffs placed over my long sleeves and was refused, I muttered audibly, “Do we not have human rights?” The response was a furious, “Got a problem with that?”

It seems that those who become detectives first gain experience as staff at the district prosecutor’s office or as detention officers before applying for detective positions. They might prefer becoming detectives over being district office staff. Working in the basement is depressing, and more importantly, there’s no visible hope for the future. I wonder if there’s anything beyond enduring this job; I plan to look into it.

On a side note, this awful treatment seems unique to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office. From what I’ve heard, the Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office is the next worst. Most local district offices have shorter waiting times and let detainees go home sooner. They don’t make them eat with both hands cuffed, and the meals provided are better, like bento boxes. The difference is night and day compared to Tokyo.

Especially in Tokyo, it seems best not to get involved in criminal activities, haha.

Despite the assumption that laws are enforced uniformly across Japan, why is there such a disparity?

I genuinely doubt whether human rights will ever see the light of day here. Both detainees and staff are squirming in the dark basement.

東京地検VICE – 東京地検の地下







特に東京で、犯罪行為に手を染めるべきではない様子 笑。



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